
Online Public Access Catalogue

Welcome to PUMHS Central Library Nawabshah, SBA


PUMHS Central library full fills the Undergraduate and Postgraduate requirements in Various Medical subjects with latest Editions which are regularly updated. At present the total number of Books 65,884 are available in Central Library (20,437 Reference Books and 45,447 Text Books) in various Subjects with latest editions on Ground and First Floor in same Building at Reference and lending library Section for borrowing purpose for Faculty and students. There are 4,488 well reputed Foreign International Medical Research Journals and also 1948 local Medical journals relating to various Medical subjects available in Reading section and regularly subscribed thereto.

A good number of Newspapers are available in the PUMHS Central library in English, Urdu and Sindhi Languages. The facility of Digital library is also available where 23,000 Research journals and more than 45000 Books of leading Publishers and societies can be free on line access in university premises for research purpose. This facility is provided by HEC to all public sector universities through their HEC National Digital Library Program. The PUMHS Central library is growing day by day with latest collection mainly on Medical disciplines. The new and latest Editions are always preferred to procure in order to provide the latest information to Students and faculty members of PUMHS.

Vision statement:

The PUMHS Central Library is the hub and academic Town square of the University by being an essential component of the academic and creative life of the Institution. We will excel in: collecting, preserving, and providing access to the best scholarly and educational resources; providing high quality, innovative services; and creating a welcoming and comfortable physical environment. We will foster an atmosphere that encourages diversity, excellence, and continued growth in finding ways to surpass our own high standards.

(OPAC)Online Public Access Catalouge

All the technical functions are computerized, the link of On line Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) is placed on website of PUMHS for the easy access to the users. The OPAC provides the detailed information of the Medial Books and Journals available in PUMHS Central library.

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Abdul Sattar Mahar

(Chief Librarian)


Arbab Oad

(Senior Librarian)

Copyright © 2018,The PUMHSW, Nawabshah, Shaheed Benazirabad. All rights reserved
Mr. Abdul Sattar Mahar (Chief Librarian) PUMHSW, Nawabshah, Sindh, Pakistan 67480.
Ph#: | 0244-9370425 Ext. 2241 Email| librarian@pumhs.edu.pk Web| http://www.pumhs.edu.pk
سنڌي ڪي بورڊ