Wilson, A. A.
FRCS general surgery : 500 SBAs and EMIs / Alasdair Wilson, MBChB, MSc MD, FRCSEd, Wendy Craig, BSc, MBChB, MPH, FRCS, Lynn Stevenson, MBChB, MML, FRCS ; edited by Julie Brittenden, MBChB, MD, FRCS, David Smith, MD, FRCSEd. - 2013 - xv, 303 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
9781907816383 1907816380
Royal College of Surgeons of England--Examinations--Study guides.
Surgery--Great Britain--Examinations, questions, etc.
RD37.2 / .W548 2013
FRCS general surgery : 500 SBAs and EMIs / Alasdair Wilson, MBChB, MSc MD, FRCSEd, Wendy Craig, BSc, MBChB, MPH, FRCS, Lynn Stevenson, MBChB, MML, FRCS ; edited by Julie Brittenden, MBChB, MD, FRCS, David Smith, MD, FRCSEd. - 2013 - xv, 303 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
9781907816383 1907816380
Royal College of Surgeons of England--Examinations--Study guides.
Surgery--Great Britain--Examinations, questions, etc.
RD37.2 / .W548 2013